AWS S3 Pricing

AWS S3 data ingest pricing

AWS S3 data ingestion (inbound traffic) is free, but there are fees for storage, storage management, data transfer & processing and account management. There are six Amazon S3 cost components to consider when storing and managing your data – storage pricing, request and data retrieval pricing, data transfer and transfer acceleration pricing, data management and analytics pricing, and the price to process your data with S3 Object Lambda.

AWS offers cost saving plans, cost calculators & explorer, cost optimization & analysis tools as well as cost reporting. We recommend deep-dives in S3 cost management. Typically, there are substantial cost saving opportunities for well architecture workflows.

In S3 you pay for storing objects in your buckets. The rate you’re charged depends on your objects' size, how long you stored the objects during the month, and the storage class—S3 Standard, S3 Intelligent-Tiering, S3 Standard - Infrequent Access, S3 One Zone - Infrequent Access, S3 Glacier, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive, and Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS).

You pay a monthly monitoring and automation fee per object stored in the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class to monitor access patterns and move objects between access tiers in S3 Intelligent-Tiering.

There are per-request ingest fees when using PUT, COPY, or lifecycle rules to move data into any S3 storage class. Consider the ingest or transition cost before moving objects into any storage class. Estimate your costs using the AWS Pricing Calculator.

There are a lot of variables to Amazon S3, all of which can affect costs. A well architectured cloud cost management and the right cloud cost management platform can have a significant impact on an organization.

We highly recommend reviewing the AWS S3 Pricing documentation for a detailed summary on S3 pricing as well as KMS at

You may explore the AWS Partner Network for professional cost-management consulting services.

Last updated